Case Study As Featured by Open Future World

Access to businesses’ real-time financial data is necessary to service business customers effectively. Today, it is gathered manually making it costly and time-consuming. In the past, businesses tolerated this. To be competitive, fintechs and financial institutions must offer immediate service to business customers. At the same time, businesses require support and guidance to identify the solutions best suited to help them achieve their goals.


Fintechs and Financial Institutions are experts on their offerings. What they struggle with is access to data and efficiency. Speed is paramount. Boss Insights provided access to financial data: financial statements and cash flow from accounting, sales information from commerce, payroll, tax, and more (eg. Quickbooks, Stripe, Shopify, etc.) and an easy-to-use portal. Businesses were delighted and we moved the industry forward together.



Boss Insights is proud to partner with fintechs and financial institutions implementing the latest in real-time financial data and portals. With any innovation, there is a learning curve. True collaboration starts with a clear discussion of needs. It allows for partners to identify what can be achieved.

Fintechs and Financial Institutions are experts on their offerings. What they struggle with is access to data and efficiency. Speed is paramount.

Keren Moynihan

Co-Founder, Boss Insights

(Image: Open Future World)

Read The Full Case Study eBook Here.