Instant Insights From Financial Data

Track, visualize & manage money-in & money-out with an automated financial dashboard & global leading access to financial data. Generate cash forecasts with a 360-degree view of your SMB & Commercial business’ financial health.

Boss Insights Data - Accounting Commerce Banking Payroll HR Tax Marketing Sales

Calculated Ratios & Analysis

With global leading access to SMB & Commercial accounting, banking, commerce/sales & payroll data in market, gain a 360-degree view of your borrowers’ financial health with insights & ratios for informed decision-making through a single API.

Boss Decision - Real-Time Insights & Lending Ratios
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Stand Out From Competitors with Personalized Offerings 

With a comprehensive view of company performance, stakeholders & internal teams get crucial insights, trends, & opportunities to make better business decisions & real-time personalized product offerings at exactly the right time with CFO-in-a-Box.

Predict Cash Positions with Accounting & Sales Information

Give businesses cash flow forecasts, benchmarking & personalized data-driven insights. Enhance financial forecasting by integrating configurable ratios & scoring to show business health including revenue, debt, liquidity & customer concentration.

Boss Decision - Add Ons SecureMail eSign
Boss Decision - Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

Get a holistic view of all the borrowers you manage in your portfolio, whether it’s a merchant cash advance, revenue-based or bridge financing, or microloan.

Client & Partner Testimonials

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