Thousands of Data Sources and Better Insights
Boss Insights is an alternative to Codat with additional connection categories, thousands of data sources, a library of insights and more. With our flexible pricing that scales with your business needs, you can access financial data insights without compromising on quality.
Disclaimer: Boss Insights is not affiliated with Codat. Comparison based on information publicly available on vendors respective websites in March 2023.
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Total Application Connections
Total connections including those outside accounting, commerce, banking, and payroll data sources. Boss Insights manages the integration and maintenance of these connections to allow you to concentrate on your product.
Link Connection Widget
A UI component that can be inserted into your own product to guide your user through connecting to an integration. See our Link Connection Widget documentation.
Portfolio with Business Insights
Stack rank your portfolio by any financial metric and receive real-time alerts on business opportunities, risks and tips to understand your portfolio and help business customers grow.
Security Assessments
Our security and processes are regularly audited by an independent auditing firm. In addition, a qualified security researcher tests and validates our systems are secure and free of vulnerabilities.
Unified API Categories
Boss Insights' single API offers connections to accounting, commerce, banking, and payroll data sources.
Accounting Data
Secure token based access to API's to allow for continuous data access such as for balance sheets and account statements. Please see our integrations here.
Commerce Data
Commerce integrations such as Stripe, Shopify, Square and more.
Banking Data
Banking connections such as Yodlee and MX.
Payroll Data
Secure token based access to API's to allow for continuous data access such as for employees and salary information. Please see our integrations here.
Tax Data
Keep track of personal or business tax records.
Normalized Data Across Categories
Clean, standardized and consistent data.
Custom Metrics/KPIs
The ability to create custom metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to boost performance.
Cloud Connections
Connected to the cloud for the seamless ability to provide scalability and flexibility.
AI Document Recognition
AI based document recognition for non-cloud data.
Token-Based Connections
Secure and authenticated tokens to connect applications.
News Aggregator
News compiled into one convenient location for easy viewing.
Financial Spreading
Automated categorization of financial transactions. Boss Insights is able to recategorize the categories that a business makes to standardize them.
For example, you may have airplane and car travel costs, Boss Insights will categorize these under a Travel category.
Administration Portal
Manage and oversee various administrative tasks in one centralized location.
Management Portal
A portal for financial institutions. This portal features an insights dashboard that can be configured with custom charts and widgets. Please see our widget catalog.
Stack rank your portfolio by any financial metric and get real-time alerts on customer opportunities and risks.
Co-Browsing With Business Clients
The ability to view the same screen as the business portal. An excellent tool for phone calls when screen sharing is unavailable.
Accounts Financial Reporting
We store, standardize and present your financial transaction information in a clean downloadable Excel file.
Customizable Dashboard Configuration for Financial Institutions
Deep financial insights on your business customers, configurable to the metrics you need to see.
Customizable Workflow Configuration for Financial Institutions
Configure the steps required by your teams to keep work simple, efficient and compliant.
Business Portal
A portal for a small business or end-user. This portal features an insights dashboard that can be configured with custom charts and widgets. Please see our widget catalog.
Electronic Signature
Securely sign digital documents with an electronic signature that meets the legal requirements in US. E-sign Act 2001.
Secure Mail
Secure internal messaging system with the financial institutions.
Information Form
Boss Insight's provide the option to setup custom forms with configured fields right within Boss Insights.
Required Document Checklist
We provide a list of documents necessary for a business to provide for the loan process.
Transaction Matching/Reconciliation
Boss Insight's automated software can compare and match bank transactions with accounting transactions to improve the accuracy of your data.
Business Insights
Real-time alerts of business opportunities, risks & tips to understand your portfolio and help business customers grow.
Customizable Dashboard Configuration for Businesses
Clear and simple views of a businesses financial health designed to help them grow, configurable with the financial products you want them to see.
Customizable Workflow Configuration Businesses
Configure easy to follow steps for your customers to gain financial insights and apply for financial products.
An isolated testing environment to both try out our application and simulate connections to integrations.
We offer multiple levels of support to meet your business needs. Find out more here.
Connection Health and Observability
View the status of our platform here. This page displays the operational status of our platform in the US, Canada and the UK. If there are customer impacting operational issues updates will be given on our status page.
Real-time communication between many applications that enables a more efficient automated process.
Mulesoft Connection
Easily pull data from Boss Insights into your own data management tools.
SOC2 Type 2 Audited
Our security and processes are regularly audited by an independent auditing firm.
Externally Penetration Tested
A qualified security researcher tests and validates our systems are secure and free of vulnerabilities.
Start a Free Trial
Visit our accounting, banking, commerce, or payroll API pages for more details on pricing or book a demo.
Document Upload
We provide the option to upload and store necessary documents right within Boss Insights.
Thousands of Data Sources and Better Insights
Boss Insights is an alternative to Codat with additional connection categories, thousands of data sources, a library of insights and more. With our flexible pricing that scales with your business needs, you can access financial data insights without compromising on quality.
Disclaimer: Boss Insights is not affiliated with Codat. Comparison based on information publicly available on vendors respective websites in March 2023.
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